Thanks for the "shout out!" I have also breeched my 50s and love the YA genre. I like the 2nd elevator pitch better. Less description and more tapping into how your story feels. Good luck!

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Thanks for your feedback and thank you for your essays. I’m enjoying the reminders!

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AH! I love it when someone recognizes me NOT for my biggest publication but for DOGS. Thank you! And I didn't know Adam started a catstack...gotta go find that now.

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I mean, we can talk about our pets all day, right?

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Bear wins, easily. I have no bias obviously but it's definitely Bear

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Adam, how do you defend your standing for the best pet photos on Substack?


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V2 for the win imo

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V2 seems to be taking the lead! Thanks for the input.

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Version 2 please.

"Don’t ask me how old I am as that requires math and (as my college student on summer break is apt to tell me), “I don’t do math in the summer.” - PS I don't do math ever LMAO.

Thank you for sharing :)

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Thanks for the input! And I personally have a love hate relationship with math. I love it when I can use it for my advantage. I hate it when someone requires I use it!

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Aug 19·edited Aug 19Liked by CB Mason

LMAO - :)

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I’m definitely not YA, so for what it’s worth, I got a better sense of the story from Version 2.

I really hate writing the book summaries and trying to condense a novel down to a paragraph and then to a sentence or two. Which reminds me, I have to get working on that for my next book…

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Lots of people not considered a YA person enjoy a writing for the YA demographic, so your vote totally counts! And best of luck on your own summarization task!

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