I've had a vacation hangover. Actually a Julycember one ! July is non stop for us. Our annual July 4th picnic of 40 -50 people. Then vacation 2 days later, our wedding anniversary then my son's birthday and a few birthday parties for my son. Then it's July 16th lol and I'm exhausted. I wandered around in a haze for a week or so. Makes so much sense now. Great vaycay photos by the way

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Wow! Sounds exhausting (and fun). It was difficult to narrow down the photo selection to just 9 😂

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I hear you! I have so many photos and pet photos too. I'm a pet sitter so lots of pets. I definitely have to clean my phone ;)

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Oh, yeah, it’s a futile cause. Just get more storage 😂

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Thank you for the mention, it means a lot to me! 💐

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Jul 26Liked by CB Mason

We too have recently returned from an extensive holiday, and I’ve yet to feel fully integrated into my life.

I tackle the unpacking first! :)

Part of my issue is that I’m not only trying to resume my usual journaling, workout routines, etc but also establish new rhythms of interaction on LinkedIn and continuing education courses I’ve enrolled in.

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You’ve got this, Kate! 👏👏👏 (Me cheering for you!)

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Jul 26Liked by CB Mason

Love your photos!

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"Start somewhere..." A great suggestion for writing, too. Sometimes I don't know where to start a story. I start somewhere, and if that isn't the appropriate place to start, I eventually find the right place if I keep writing.

Vacations provide a needed break from the routine, but I'm ready to get back into the routine by the time I return home.

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Yes! Start somewhere. Anywhere really, but be okay with shifting that start—moving earlier (add) or later (delete).

I had to do this with my upcoming novel with Provender Press. I had always believed that the original scene I wrote was the opening scene of the series. Nope. My publisher challenged me to step back in the timeline and give a new opening scene and the entire tension shifted and found its reason for being. The new scene gives the reader a reason to connect before the story even takes off.

Doesn’t it feel amazing to (finally/eventually) find the “right” place?

An, yes, vacations are necessary. To refill your “cup” and show you how appreciate your daily life.

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I always need a vacation from a vacation lol.

"Step Two: Reach out to a friend." This always works for me. Community is my lifeline when I'm floundering. My husband is of no help because he is also trying to recover.

I love the photos. Cheers to the beautiful chaos of getting back into the swing of things.

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Vacation from a vacation indeed! I’ve started taking one extra day off to “recover” before returning to work and that seems to help. Although this last trip, I could not do that! And, yes, the hubs is no help 😂

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CB- The one that stood out for me is the walk in circles prompt. Somehow, that seems to resonate. Maybe this is telling me something about my preferences? Lol! Hope you're well this week. Cheers, -Thalia

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Looking from a different angle and breaking “eye contact” with the “audience” are both powerful tools to reconnect with your tasks at hand, whether it be writing or something else entirely! Have you read this explanation here?


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